Sunday, September 25, 2011


I realize that I haven't been posting as much lately. There has just been a lot going on in my life- most of it good. I have been in the middle of moving, adjusting to more independence, and dealing with the post-move migraine.

I also want to remind you that I am hosting the October edition of the Migraine and Headache Blog Carnival. The topic is "What is the scariest migraine experience you have had or even witnessed?' Please email all submissions to by midnight on Oct. 7.

I look forward to reading them.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

September Migraine and Headaache Blog Carnival

The September edition of the Migraine and Headache Blog Carnival is up at Somebody Heal Me! Follow the link below to read and enjoy!

I will be hosting the next Migraine and Headache Blog Carnival. The theme will be What is your scariest migraine experience? The blog will be posted on October 10. Submissions are due by midnight on Oct 7. All submissions should be emailed to Diana at Somebody Heal me. Her email address is

I look forward to reading and hosting the carnival.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Elegy for Jeff

This poem is written in memory of my dear friend, Jeff, survivor of 9/11 (the last man out of the first tower), father, fighter, and excellent friend. This is also for his dear son, Jack, whom he loved more than life. He did not die on 9/11, but the dust and jet fuel he breathed did not make the RSD in his chest easier to bear.


You did not die on that fateful day,
But, it was burned into you, just as the scenes of that horrible day are burned into the minds of the nation and the world.
You were lucky- you came out from the flames that day.
And in the next eight years, you did some amazing things-
You had a son, so that your legacy might live on,
You worked your heart out.
You fought the horrific war with pain and always smiled.
Though, you were bound to a wheelchair for a while, you got up and walked.
When I saw you walk that first day- I knew for certain that I had witnessed a miracle.
You found love and friends and life again.
Unfortunately, you, who shone so brightly here on earth, were called to serve the one who made you, that you might shine brighter there, in that place where there is no more pain, where you can walk without fear, run and not be weary, and find the peace you were seeking.
The truth of the matter is, I miss you, Jeff, and I love you.
You were one of the lucky ones that fateful September morning,
But those events took a toll on you and you paid a heavy price in pain.
But I know that you are up there- watching over your old friends-  Liz, Kristy, Curt, Jack, and me- and I know that one bright, golden day, we will meet again.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Favorite Poems

This is actually one of my favorite hymns/poems. Enjoy.

  1. I would be true, for there are those who trust me;
    I would be pure, for there are those who care;
    I would be strong, for there is much to suffer;
    I would be brave, for there is much to dare.
  2. I would be friend of all—the foe, the friendless;
    I would be giving, and forget the gift;
    I would be humble, for I know my weakness;
    I would look up, and laugh, and love, and lift.
  3. I would be faithful through each passing moment;
    I would be constantly in touch with God;
    I would be strong to follow where He leads me;
    I would have faith to keep the path Christ trod.
  4. Who is so low that I am not his brother?
    Who is so high that I’ve no path to him?
    Who is so poor I may not feel his hunger?
    Who is so rich I may not pity him?
  5. Who is so hurt I may not know his heartache?
    Who sings for joy my heart may never share?
    Who in God’s heav’n has passed beyond my vision?
    Who to hell’s depths where I may never fare?
  6. May none, then, call on me for understanding,
    May none, then, turn to me for help in pain,
    And drain alone his bitter cup of sorrow,
    Or find he knocks upon my heart in vain.

Fighting through rough times- more coping skills

The past week has been exceptionally rough, well really horrific, on the migraine and fainting fronts. No sooner do I get up, than I am falling through space again. It is extremely frustrating and exhausting. But, I will survive. I know I have written on coping mechanisms before- but here are a few more that have helped me though this week.

1. Movies- preferably some form of historical violence or just a good series.
2. Books- sci-fi/ fantasy and thrillers have kept me sane when I have been unable to sleep.
3. Friends- especially the ones who are willing to listen to you and, if they have to, threaten to drag you out of your cocoon and get you to do something or simply commiserate in plans.
4. Throwing myself into a new project. I am moving in a few weeks- I think this will be a very good thing- and let's face it, retail therapy is sometimes cheaper than the ER or pharmacy.
5. Faith- basically living on a wing and a prayer here and hoping to come out on top.

I think that is all for now.