Expeditions and Adventures
I have always known that dogs are great icebreakers. (Trust me, anyone and everyone will ask about or find an excuse to say something to or about your service dog.) Also, be prepared, nothing on this planet can scam kids or adults out of food like a labrador. Yes, she is well fed and well loved. She has also gotten the message about service dogs out better than any human can or will.
So, when I got Dora, it didn't surprise me that kids in the neighborhood rejoiced. It took a few months, but soon the 4 year old who lives in the apartment next to me asked if he could help me and throw the ball for Dora. I said "Of Course!" This simple act has led to a routine- Dora is ready to go at 330. I go over and simply ask if the 4 year old, plus anywhere from 4-5 cousins would like to throw. It started with simply throwing the ball, a few games of red light/green light, and a piece of candy. Easy, Fun, and Good for everyone.
However, the kids have upped the stakes on me, but it still helps. It started with a single walk to the football field about two blocks from the apartment. These walks have now developed into full expeditions. The kids are great, and so is Dora. What is interesting to me is how much I have learned about by neighborhood by simply exploring it. A walk to the fountain became a science experiment in what does and doesn't float. We also met a man who saw four kids fascinated by a fountain, who then showed us the one he is constructing, let us feed the fish, and taught us to say "thank you" in Sign Language.
I'm meeting new people. Rediscovering what I was taught and am having many new adventures, and, as an added bonus in the digital age teaching and getting kids to believe that a walk outside is a lot more fun than a computer game.