Monday, October 31, 2011

Prank or fainting disorder?

Last night, my roommate and I decided to order pizza.
I answered the door when the pizza arrived and then things got interesting.
I handed him money and he tried to hand me the pizza, and suddenly I had that feeling, and knew I was going to faint/fall. The following conversation ensued.
SS "Just put it on the Sofa!"
PG: Just stands there, looking surprised, and again asked where to put the pizza.
SS then passes out. My roommate rushes in to see what the commotion is all about. I come to pretty quickly.
PG. "Is this some sort of fraternity/sorority rush prank?"
SS. "No, I just have a fainting disorder.
PG. Are you sure it isn't a prank?
SS. Yes.
PG. Are you ok?
SS. Yes.
He finally set the pizza on the sofa and my roommate took it to the kitchen.

End scene.

In three years, of constant falling, I have been called many things- a liability, a weevil (as in "weevils wobble but they don't fall down,") and a host of other things. But I haven't been accused of fainting for a prank. Ok, so I did take out a display at Rite Aid once, but everyone there knows me and we just laughed it off- though the staff occasionally teases me about it. But 8 years after I graduated from college, I am finally considered "cool" enough to be part of a sorority! (I was a member of the GDI at college.)

Sometimes, all you can do is laugh!

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