Thursday, December 29, 2011

Blessings and Curses: A year in Review

I know I have been silent here for a few weeks- there has been a lot going on- Christmas, the ongoing quest to stop the fainting and some bad migraines. As we prepare for a new year- full as all years are with both blessings and curses- I want to review blessings and curses of the past year.

-I still fall an average of 5-10 times a day. This adds up to approximately 2,000 falls this year.
-Unfortunately, no one can figure out the reason for these attacks and I have baffled more physicians than most see in a lifetime.

- I have been approved for a service dog. (These dogs can detect both seizures and cardiac problems) I can't wait to get mine as I know it will increase my independence.
-Meeting new friends
-Moving out of my parent's house and in with a roommate.
-Volunteering at the elementary school. I think I have learned more about teaching in the past year just by being in a school than I ever learned when I was pursuing an education degree.
-Understanding friends and family.

The only thing to do in this situation is to remember that the good comes with the bad, and that to stay sane, I have to focus on the good.

I hope that we will get an answer to the fainting in the next year. The one certainty is that I will keep fighting.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Circular Logic

I have been trying to get the fainting and migraines figured out, or at least treated, recently. However, I am feel like everyone is just round in circles. All the doctors agree that this is "something weird".

Here is a classic example of circular logic:

Dr A: "I can't treat the fainting until we get the headaches under control."
Dr. B: "I can't treat the headaches until the fainting is under control."
Dr. C: This is just weird. I don't know what to do about it.

Dr. A's opinion +Dr. B's opinion + Dr. C's opinion= We don't know what to do, or how to treat it!

So, I am left figuring out how to live with this.
