Friday, April 27, 2012

In Memoriam

One Year Later

One year ago, on April 27, 2011, two major cities in Alabama were hit by devastating tornadoes.

Here is a slideshow of the storm that tore apart parts of Tuscaloosa and Birmingham.

Today, the weather is perfect- a balmy 80 degrees and one of those days that lets you know that spring is here and Summer is coming. It is sunny and bright. The contrast itself is striking.

This post is written in loving memory of the 64 people who died in the storms- "May light perpetual shine upon them and may they go from strength to strength in a life of service."

Friday, April 6, 2012

Excellent blog on Chronic pain

Hi All,

I am linking to an excellent blog post on education and chronic pain. Please read.

Go with God!


"Pass the Patient"

Note: The current game is due to tingling/burning sensations in extremeties after fainting.
I seem to be caught up in a game that the medical community calls "pass the patient."
The rules appear to be the same as hot potato that I played as a kid.
Here is how the typical game works:
Dr. GP- "call the neurologist, I don't want to deal with this."
Dr. P- "Call Dr.N I don't know what to do."
Dr. N's answering service- "They don't take call! go to the ER or call tomorrow.
Dr. N's nurse- "Sure he will look at your chart- in three days. Or just go to ER. I don't want to deal with this."
Dr. GP's partner- take some extra medicine and go to bed. Call Dr GP tomorrow- and then call Dr. N.
Dr ER's probable response- I don't know what to do. Just go home and follow up with your own dr next week.

Whoever gets the complicated patient loses the game. whoever takes the patient and figures out the problem wins extra points for good deeds, and cheese straws at Christmas.

I know that everyone is frustrated. I just want an answer.

Happy Easter/Pesach!
Go with God.