Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Getting out of the Ball

Sometimes I find myself curled up in a ball and I need to get out! This is probably the hardest thing to do- I basically have to force myself and say- "OK, time to get up NOW!"
You see pain and fatigue are great robbers. They rob us of time, energy, and life. Suddenly, you look around and realize that another few hours or another day and another event ha passed and you were curled up in pain- fighting the battle and the time has gone. While we are fighting, life goes on around us.
Then I try to catch up and find myself three steps behind and this happens too much. Then it gets harder to catch up and you don't know what to do. The only thing you can do is force yourself to stretch to get out of the stress/pain/exhaustion ball and try to catch up. Some days you win, some you lose.
 Sometime it feels like there isn't a reason to get out of the ball- it is easy- but you have to do it, so you do. You stand up.
Take a walk. Try to catch up and try to make life worth living again. It won't be easy. It never is. But one day, the sun will shine and you will catch up. Life will be better.

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